


•    Size: 50 – 75 cm
•    Length: 80 – 120 cm
•    Weight: 15 – 30 kg
•    Age: 5 – 15 years
•    German saying “Ears like a lynx”: The lynx can percieve the rustling of a mouse at a distance of up to 70 meters

Animals in the Oberallgäu

Native animals are the real outdoor pros. No one moves so confidently in the terrain, knows important loopholes, knows how to camouflage themselves and always has dangers in sight.


The territories of the lynx are very large, rich in forests and game. It is not bound to certain forest types, but it prefers natural areas. The size of the territories can vary depending on the availability of food. The territories of females (cat) cover about 10,000 to 15,000 hectares, those of males (Kuder = male lynx) about 12,000 to 40,000 hectares. It takes a Kuder (male lynx) about three to six weeks to roam its entire territory.


Lynx are exclusively carnivores. It eats about 2.5 kilograms of meat per day on average. Deer make up the majority of its prey, but foxes, martens, young wild boar, birds or red deer calves are also on its menu.umed.


Lynx are crepuscular and nocturnal animals. In one night it covers distances of up to 20 kilometers. In contrast to the wolf, the lynx does not have much endurance, and relies on its abilities as a short-distance sprinter. Due to its silent mode of movement and its excellently developed hearing, it can approach its prey to within a few meters.ccur. 


The greatest threats to the lynx come from humans. On the one hand by illegal shooting and on the other hand by traffic. In the middle of the 20th century the lynx was almost extinct. Natural settlements are rare, because the lynx does not travel long distances to find its territory. Therefore, reintroduction programs are increasingly used

Therefore, note in the Oberallgäu:

Stay on the paths to allow the lynx resting areas without disturbances.