Offenes Hochmoor

Rottachmoos nature reserve

Intakte Moorgebiete bieten wertvolle Lebensräume für eine Fülle an verschiedenen Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Deshalb ist das Hochmoor Rottachmoos in Oy-Mittelberg seit 1964 unter Naturschutz gestellt.

  • Size: Approx. 4.947 hectares
  • Location: Rottachmoos in Mittelberg and Kempten

Interactive map
The purpose of the protection is to,
protect nature and landscape on the basis of their own value and as a foundation for human life and health, also in responsibility for future generations, in settled and unsettled areas in such a way that

  • the biodiversity,
  • the performance and functionality of the natural balance, including the regenerative capacity and sustainable usability of the natural assets, as well as
  • the diversity, uniqueness and beauty as well as the recreational value of nature and landscape

are secured in the long term.

Weitere Informationen unter der Website des Landratsamts Oberallgäu.