Golden eagle

(Aquila Chrysateos)


•    Size: 79 – 95 cm
•    Wingspan: 190 – 230 cm
•    Weight: males 2.8 – 4.5 kg; females 3.7 – 6.6 kg
•    Distinguishing marks: predominantly dark brown, &shyyoung birds with white markings on the wings
•    Population in the German Alpine region: 50 breeding pairs
•    Eagles can see their prey from up to 1 km away

Animals in the Oberallgäu

Native animals are the real outdoor pros. No one moves so confidently in the terrain, knows important loopholes, knows how to camouflage themselves and always has dangers in sight.


Die Allgäuer Hochalpen stellen einen typischen Lebensraum der Alpenbraunelle dar. Die Vögel leben nämlich in den alpinen Lagen in einer Höhe zwischen 1800 und 3000 Metern. Zumeist sind sie an Felswänden anzutreffen, welche sie häufig auch als Brutplatz nutzen, oder auf alpinen Rasen. Aber auch Erd- und Grasbulten werden als Nestplatz verwendet.


The food of the golden eagle consists mainly of medium-sized mammals, other birds or carrion. Among other things, marmots, ibex and roe deer fawns, hares, chicken birds and rabbits are hunted. The weight of the prey can also exceed the own body weight of the skillful hunter.


In search of prey, the golden eagle flies skillfully in the cover of rock walls. When it has spotted its prey, it makes a surprise attack, of which about one in seven is successful. The male marks the territory with arching courtship flights starting in February. Breeding begins early in spring, one to three eggs are laid from the end of March.


In Germany, the golden eagle is a species with geographic restrictions and can only be found in the Alpine region. Especially anthropogenic influences like paragliders or helicopters near the nest can disturb the breeding extremely.

Therefore, note in the Oberallgäu:

- As a paraglider pilot, observe the current flight bans during the breeding and rearing season.
- If you see an eagle nest, keep your distance.