Mountain hiking is an endurance sport. The strain on the heart and circulation requires health and a realistic self-assessment. Avoid time pressure and choose the pace so that no one in the group gets out of breath.
Hiking maps, guide literature, Internet and experts provide information about length, altitude difference, difficulty and the current conditions. Always tailor tours to the group! Pay particular attention to the weather forecast, as rain, wind and cold increase the risk of accidents.
Adapt your equipment to your venture and make sure your backpack is light. Rain, cold and sun protection always belong in the backpack, as well as a first aid kit and cell phone (European emergency call 112). A map or GPS will help you find your way.
In pathless terrain, the risk of disorientation, falling and falling rocks increases. Avoid shortcuts and return to the last known point once you have gone off the trail. Often underestimated and very dangerous: steep old snow fields!
Timely rest is for recreation, enjoyment of the scenery and socializing. Eating and drinking are necessary to maintain performance and concentration. Isotonic drinks are ideal thirst quenchers. Muesli bars, dried fruit and cookies satisfy hunger on the way.
Note that variety and playful discovery for children are in the foreground! In passages with a risk of falling, an adult person can only supervise one child. Very exposed tours that require prolonged concentration are not suitable for children.
Small groups ensure flexibility and allow mutual assistance. Inform familiar people about destination, route and return. Stay together in the group. Those traveling alone should keep in mind: Even minor incidents can lead to serious emergencies.
To protect the mountain nature: do not leave any waste, avoid noise, stay on the paths, do not disturb wild and grazing animals, leave plants untouched and respect protected areas. To get there, use public transport or carpool.
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