Offenes Hochmoor

Protected landscape area Bruckmoos

  • Size: Approx. 132,35 hectares
  • Location: The protected area is bounded on the north by the Unterthingau - Wildpoldsried road, on the east by the road from the turnoff to Jaunen, on the west by the driveway branching off at Rasch to the south as far as the dirt road branching off to the east north of Dodels, and on the south along this dirt road as far as Jaunen.

Interactive map

The purpose of the protection is to

Landscape protection areas are legally established areas in which special protection of nature and landscape is required

  • preserve, develop or restore the performance and functionality of the natural balance or the regenerative capacity and sustainable usability of natural assets, including the protection of habitats and habitats of certain wild animal and plant species,
  • because of the diversity, uniqueness and beauty or the special cultural-historical significance of the landscape or
  • because of their special importance for recreation.

More informations under Website of the Landratsamts Oberallgäu.