Bergmischwald Grafenälpe

Nature reserve Rohrbachtobel in the Wierlinger Forest

Der Rohrbachtobel beherbergt eine besondere Flora. Hier gedeihen schutzwürdige Erlen-Eschen-Wälder,  sowie Waldmeister-Buchenwälder. Zum Schutz jener ist es seit 1959 ein ausgewiesenes Naturschutzgebiet.

  • Size: Approx. 13.4672 hectares
  • Location: Rohrbachtobel in the Wierlinger Forest with its northern and southern slopes

Interactive map

The purpose of the protected status is to,
to protect nature and landscape on the basis of their own value and as a foundation for human life and health, also in responsibility for future generations, in settled and unsettled areas in such a way that

  • the biodiversity,
  • the performance and functionality of the natural balance, including the regenerative capacity and sustainable usability of the natural assets, as well as
  • the diversity, uniqueness and beauty as well as the recreational value of nature and landscape

are secured in the long term.

More informations underWebsite of the Landratsamts Oberallgäu.