Tiere Detailseite Headerbild Alpenbraunelle

Alpine Accentor

(Prunella collaris)


  • Size: 15-17,5 cm
  • Weight: 40g
  • Identifying feature: reddish brown  dashing on the side.
  • Population in Germany: approx. 400-800 

Animals in the Oberallgäu

Native animals are the real outdoor pros. No one moves so confidently in the terrain, knows important loopholes, knows how to camouflage themselves and always has dangers in sight.

Tiere Detailseite Trennerbild Alpenbraunelle


Die Allgäuer Hochalpen stellen einen typischen Lebensraum der Alpenbraunelle dar. Die Vögel leben nämlich in den alpinen Lagen in einer Höhe zwischen 1800 und 3000 Metern. Zumeist sind sie an Felswänden anzutreffen, welche sie häufig auch als Brutplatz nutzen, oder auf alpinen Rasen. Aber auch Erd- und Grasbulten werden als Nestplatz verwendet.


Alpine Accentor feed mainly on insects in summer. In winter, however, they also resort to seeds, as animal food is not available in sufficient quantities. In autumn and spring, besides insects, berries are consumed.


Due to the very complicated reproductive system of the Alpine Accentor, quite different combinations are established. Mostly the breeding groups consist of five to 9 individuals, but also monogamies occur. 


The Alpine Accentor is particularly sensitive to increasing tourism in the mountains, especially to disturbances at its breeding sites, by mountain climbers for example. Added to this are the naturally occurring losses in the winter months. These factors make it difficult to maintain the population of the Alpine Accentor. 

Therefore, note in the Oberallgäu:

  • Keep quiet, especially during the breeding season
  • Inform yourself about the current breeding areas before your climbing tour
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